【GROW Coaching Model】Enable others to explore the best use of available resources and find a suitable course of action through conversations

A Coach is a specialist trained and certified by a professional organization. The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines "coaching" as a clearly described and formally contracted partnership in which the coach is a companion of the client in the latter's thoughts and creative process.

Through regular meetings and follow-ups, the coach maximizes the client's potential and professional development and practice. The nature of coaching is not to provide solutions or impart knowledge and experience but to explore, through conversations, how clients can use the roadmaps and resources they've already possessed to clarify their needs, make precise intentions, and find the course of action they agree with.

The GROW Coaching Model is a widely used coaching framework that believes in the ability of each individual to self-correct and reach their potential, and by asking questions from four significant perspectives to prompt the clients to think and increase awareness.

The first thing in coaching is to help the client see the "Goal" and think about what they want to achieve. Then the coach will ask the client about the gap between their current situation and their "Goal" to extract experience or "Reality," and then give them as many "Options" as possible to see what they can do further to achieve the "Goal." Finally, the coach will identify the "Way Forward" to help the client grow.

At Titansoft, the GROW Model is often employed in the performance review conversations between supervisors and colleagues. After reviewing the past performance, the supervisors use the GROW Model to conduct conversations clarifying their expectations for the next six months. In Sprint Retros, ScrumMaster helps teams develop short-term, short-range progress and pursue the longer-term individual movement of self-awareness in mental patterns.

【GROW Coaching Model】Enable others to explore the best use of available resources and find a suitable course of action through conversations

