【Self-organizing teams】The best structures,requirements,and designs all come from teams that can organize themselves
Principle 11 of "12 Principles of Agile Software" from the Agile Software Development Manifesto states that "the best architectures, requirements, and designs all come from teams that can organize themselves."
One of the essential characteristics of a self-organizing team is that the team members can collaborate without a dedicated commander. Titansoft has eliminated the Team Leader role In its development teams, emphasizing "from 'Me' to 'We'" so that the members are not subordinates to their supervisors.
Titansoft believes that if Product Owners can find the right things to do, development teams do the things right, ScrumMasters keep teams Agile, and people use Scrum to achieve business goals, the team members will be able to collaborate well and organize themselves for everyone to practice Emergent Leadership in their own fields.
Looking at teams with the "Authority Matrix," the horizontal axis shows how the organization's management affects the control scope of the members. The teams led by managers and supervisors have the least authority, while the teams with more authority delegated by the management are more self-organized.
Titansoft's teams are more like the self-managed teams in the diagram. To achieve largescale or short-term project goals, the teams have the freedom to choose Scrum, Kanban, or whatever method works for the situation at hand.