Our Agile Journey
A story of being adaptive
We started as a Traditional company

Titansoft started in 2005 with five engineering nerds. Rapid business development and extensive expansion led to the formation of specialized departments, but a never-ending backlog, high employee turnover rate, slow product delivery and continuous software bugs impeded our progress.
With our motto, to "Never Stop Improving", we decided to look for a new way of working.
Adopting Agile

Constant expansion meant we had to look for new solutions to improve product quality and productivity. In 2014, we engaged an external Agile coach to help us with Agile transformation. We formed our first Scrum team which comprised of Product Developers, ScrumMaster and Product Owner. Starting small, our pilot team was an experiment lasting 6 months, before we decided to roll out the new framework to all development teams.
Embracing Agile

Starting with the development teams, changes gradually evolved from the inside out. We removed individual performance appraisal in Scrum teams and implemented flexible working hours. To support self-organizing, we introduced a self-promotion process and salary transparency. We believe these are necessary changes in human resource policies to support an Agile and self-organizing work environment.
We are continuously learning on our Agile journey

We achieved increased employee morale and product quality as a result of Agile adoption. Carrying that momentum forward, we focused on building an effective communication channel between the teams and organization. As such, we introduced Sociocracy into our organization in early 2017.
Now, we are in a pursuit to building an organization which works as a team, and teams which have empathy at the organizational level. We will have team elected facilitators and decision makers to help this journey be safer and more efficient in the near future. Stay tuned to find out what we come up with next!
- Past
- Change
- Present
- Future