"Try many things and theorize what works best. Now put your theory into Practice. Be Practical. Repeat."

Maureen's Questions
I have always been drawn to concepts. Attracted to big ideas containing endless possibilities. Most of all, I appreciate the beauty of a simple explanation. As a ScrumMaster, my passion is in guiding the younger generation to ask more, and better questions. Before delving into the problem headfirst, ask the most basic question. Ask "why".
Maureen's Role
Prototype, socialise, discuss, ponder, criticise, then implement. That is the typical cycle I go through with each new project. It is the same process as what I do at Titansoft. I always try to inspire my teams to observe the situation, research on best practices and crystallise the questions. Socialise the improvement, and align it with the bigger team, department, organization, industry, ecosystem's purpose. To see the bigger picture.
There is no FINAL in my work, or anyone else's at Titansoft because the only constant is "iteration". With a deeply ingrained Agile culture, we are all about being practical. Plans and consequence actions change. We do what is worth doing to achieve desirable results.
Being practical is simple. Done is better than perfect. Every time.
Reading List
Teamwork 101
This book provides a quick refresher on the importance and impact of team work. Scrum values focus on individual and team's mental health by highlighting Courage, Focus, Commitment, Respect and Openness. Self-organized teams already exhibit great team work - the goal of the Scrum Principle is to have team organize themselves. Something to keep in mind, "great leaders should focus on finding leaders, developing the leaders, and empowering them to lead."
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Coaching Agile Teams
This book walks you through the various hats a ScrumMaster as a coach would wear. Laying down practical advice, it is well-organized and consistent, and ironically serving as a bit of a coach to ScrumMasters in guiding teams to answers instead of telling them what to do. Even though it is based on Scrum, most of the ideas presented are universally applicable.
Reinventing Organizations
A ScrumMaster is a systems thinker dealing with systemic issues, dedicated to organization development and building the team, both of which involve people and systems. Frederic describes in this book the system components of organizations such as "Structure", "Practices" and "Culture". This is an in depth survey into the evolution of organisational theory and includes ongoing knowledge that ScrumMasters should possess regarding self-managed teams, and how they fit in the entire system or organization.
Continuous Delivery
A ScrumMaster who is not a developer or lacks knowledge in the delivery mechanism of product might face serious challenges in understanding the flow of requirement from code to release. The delivery process of a software product is of paramount importance to make sure developers recognize their efforts quickly and get feedback in time. This book addresses the knowledge requirement in understanding automation in areas such as Building, Testing and Releasing. Practices that are proven with respect to continuous delivery and the deployment pipeline are described in detail.
Agile Estimating and Planning
At the heart of delivery is the promise made to stakeholders. As a ScrumMaster, one must be mindful of the promises team makes to the Product Owner (PO) and vice versa. Promises are made through submitting a sprint plan and estimation of individual items in the plan to PO. The title pretty much describes the core of the book as it goes in-depth into Agile Estimation and Agile Planning. Re-estimation is something often considered a taboo as it translates to a broken promise. This book details when and how to do re-estimation, and how to break a feature into stories and tasks.
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