【Scrum】An Agile framework for continuous development of products through cycyles of fixed duration
In the rapidly changing market, it's not easy for software development to align with the market demand fully. Developers can reduce the uncertainty to avoid risks with Agile. In practice, Titansoft uses Scrum.
Scrum is a lightweight Agile framework that features continuous product development in Sprint cycles of fixed duration, with each Sprint delivering incremental, meaning new and valuable, changes to the product.
Each Sprint has a fixed time limit. Regardless of whether the Sprint's goal is completed, the team will stop the development to consciously interrupt the work and hold a Sprint Review to inspect the increment results for feedback data or opinions. As for the Sprint cycle, since Titansoft faces extremely rapid market changes, a typical cycle usually lasts a week and no more than two weeks.
In addition to the products, Scrum has another important feedback line. In the following Sprint Retrospective, the team reviews what they did well in the Sprint, what could be improved, and reflects on how to improve or maintain the successes to learn and grow for the next Sprint.
Titansoft's introduction to Scrum started with the "Scrum Primer" approach and gradually developed into a method suitable for each stage.
The following figure shows the process of a complete Sprint of the agile development method Scrum