Titansoft published a book! "A Roaming Whale's Tale - Titaner's Quest to the way of Agile" invites you to explore the story of organizational transformation.
How can businesses embrace change ?
Explore the story of Titansoft's transformation from 0 to 1!
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This book documents the important events of Titansoft's five major transformation periods, people's thoughts, vision, mission, and values from its founding in 2005 to the present day before its journey toward the unknown. Visual aids such as generative scribing and system maps are provided to immerse readers into the stories. The answer to the FAQs and Titansoft's unique tools and techniques are explained how the company introduces new management tools and thinking.
- The Hero Period (2005-2008): when the founding heroes met. The anti-hero thinking of the heroes, the challenges to themselves, and how they manifest their value.
- The Divide and Conquer Period (2009-2011): the exploration of management capabilities. Creating the corporate missions and core values by leadership and doing things right.
- The SOP Period (2012-2013): exploring new ways of work by clarifying workflows and passing knowledge and techniques. However, institutional organization rigidities arise in this period.
- The Post-it Period (2014-2018): the impact of the VUCA era. The opening of the second curve, the first encounter with Agile, and the observation of external perspectives.
- The Quantum Rabbit Period (2019-Present): Agile thinking in every detail. The dimensional elevation of perception and retention of cultural focus.
1. Record the transformation story of Titaner.
"A Roaming Whale's Tale - Titaner's Quest to the way of Agile" records the thoughts of different characters, development visions, missions, and values during the transformation process, and uses storytelling to break down the problems and solutions faced b Titansoft at different stages, leading readers to explore the process of Titansoft's Agile transformation.
"A Roaming Whale's Tale"-book pages
2.Integrate system maps analysis and generative scribing to convey rational analysis and emotional sentiment.
Supplemented by visual images such as "Scribing" and "System Maps of organizational development" this book skillfully conveys rational analysis and emotional sentiment. By adding humanistic literacy and emotional warmth in storytelling and showing the causality and logical thinking of organizational development through "System Maps," it subverts your imagination of work and enterprise development. Titansoft's tool combination skills. Introducing the tool combination skills used by Titan as an agile enterprise, this book elaborately explains the tools and techniques actually used by Titan. It also provides business thinking frameworks for solving problems at various stages and explains how organizations can use them flexibly with visual aids for different work scenarios. Invite you to reflect together! Invite you to extract inspiration from "Whale Swimming in Blue Ocean - The Agile Journey of Titan Technology" and reflect on how to apply it to your own organization through the following questions!
Scribing-inner page
System Map-inner page
3. Titansoft's tools and techniques
Introducing the tool combination skills used by Titansoft as an Agile enterprise, this book elaborately explains the tools and techniques actually used by Titansoft. It also provides business thinking frameworks for solving problems at various stages and explains how organizations can use them flexibly with visual aids for different work scenarios.
4. Invite you to reflect together!
Invite you to extract inspiration from"A Roaming Whale's Tale - Titaner's Quest to the way of Agile" and reflect on how to apply it to your own organization through the following questions!
■ Which parts of Titansoft's development resonate with you? Examples can include the challenges faced or the approaches adopted in each period.
■ Comparing Titansoft's development history and your organization's current status, which aspects are similar, which are different? How would you modify the system diagram to factor in the aspects that are different to capture your organization's status quo?
■ After understanding Titansoft's organizational development process, what new understanding do you have about your organization, and what issues is it facing?
■ It may be necessary to find someone to discuss the situation or gather information in order to get a complete picture of your organization's issues. In order to help your organization develop, what measures should be undertaken to help your organization address the current issues?