Agile Toolkits
Titansoft published a book! "A Roaming Whale's Tale - Titaner's Quest to the way of Agile" invites you to explore the story of organizational transformation.
Management SkillHow can businesses embrace change ? Titansoft invites you to explore our story of Agile transformation from 0 to 1! We have written down every bit and piece of our journey from founding to the present, spanning over 15 years, in the book "A Roaming Whale's Tale". Through the chapters of this book, we invite you to step-by-step understand the significant events of Titansoft's establishment and transformation.
【Wildly Important Goal】Identifying and focusing on the exact actions that help achieve the goal to improve the overall performance
Management SkillTo guide the departments to focus on their projects, Titansoft developed KPI based on WIG to help them decide which is more important: strategy or execution? The common answer from leaders around the world is execution.
【Time Management Matrix】Organize work effectively and manage time well to avoid being pressured by the schedule
Management SkillThe Time Management Matrix is also known as the "Eisenhower Matrix." It's a time management approach that categorizes everyday work with "importance" as the vertical axis and "urgency" as the horizontal axis. The categorization can always help review whether the time and energy are appropriately allocated.
【Impact Effort Matrix】A tool to help analyze priorities and evaluate the quadrant to which a requirement mission belongs for work prioritization
Management SkillThe Impact Effort Matrix is a tool to help analyze priorities. The four quadrants are delineated with "Effort" as the horizontal axis and "Impact" as the vertical axis.
【Responsibility Assignment Matrix】A tool that delegates team members for a project and clearly defines the relationship between roles and the corresponding responsibilities
Management SkillA Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI) is a tool for building a table that delegates team members on a project and specifies the roles, related tasks, and members assigned to each role.
【SNT Action Principles】A communication style for discussing goals or work items that helps team members to focus quickly and increase communication effectiveness
Management SkillAt Titansoft, when members discuss goals or any issue that require communication, such as actions or work items, the more memorable SNT principles are adopted.
【TOPS Solution in Six Steps】Define the problem properly for the right cure
Management SkillBased on the past learning and experience, Titansoft has summarized TOPS (Titansoft One-page Problem Solving) as a tool to analyze and identify problems.