Sending Our Titansoft SG Facilitator Team to IAF Asia Conference!
ActivitiesSynergizing, Strengthening, Sustaining – the theme for this year's International Association of Facilitators - IAF Asia Conference also highlights the value of #facilitation in organizations. Successful facilitation relies on the creation of a safe environment, which takes time and people-oriented design...
Taiwanese Undergraduates from ITSeed on an Industry Visit to Titansoft!
ActivitiesToday, we had some young friends from various Taiwan universities over to our offices on a half-day industry visit! There were specially designed activities including an introduction to the Agile mindset, a brief overview of our working processes and an Agile Experience Workshop...
At Titansoft, We Work, We Play, We Care!
ActivitiesOn the first day of June, also "Say Something Nice Day", we go one step further to do something kind! Taking part in our T.Care activity of the quarter, we volunteered...
We've Been Busy at Agile Summit 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan!
ActivitiesFuelling a gathering of minds with coffee at our Agile Café, inviting Linda Rising to give a keynote speech on the Myths and Patterns of Organizational Change, and inviting various trainers to conduct "Hands-On Lab" ...
Learning to See Both the Forest and the Trees This Weekend Through a System Thinking Workshop Conducted by Riichiro Oda!
ActivitiesVolatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) is the living reality of today's society. Every day we live and experience changes. In such a dynamic environment, today's solutions may in fact bear unintended consequences tomorrow...
A Fireside Chat This Evening, on Backlogs and Multi-learning!
ActivitiesOur Aha moment from the fireside chat this evening on #Backlogs and Multi-learning with Lv Yi from Odd-e and participants from the community: "Multi-learning enables fewer backlogs, while fewer backlogs drive more multi-learning...
Our ICA Focused Conversation Workshop with Lawrence Philbrook & Frieda Lin - 2019 Edition!
ActivitiesWe invited Lawrence Philbrook and Frieda Lin down to Singapore this weekend to conduct a workshop on Focused Conversation - a structured process helpful in planning and facilitating virtually every form of group communication, and to involve every member in the discussion of diverse and difficult issues...
We Had a Wonderful Evening with Lawrence Philbrook and Our IAF Friends Working on the ToP Method Wall of Wonder!
ActivitiesEveryone knows the value of being forward looking. But first, start by reflecting on the past and current story - sharing and learning from each other's varied perspectives of history, examining trends and exploring their impact on participation...
#RaisingFunds #IceCreamForACause #SulawesiTsunami #IndonesianEarthquake
ActivitiesWe sold ice cream and set up a Wall of Care to raise funds for the earthquake and tsunami which struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
At YOW! Conference Singapore as a Shiny Silver Sponsor!
ActivitiesWe supported an event for software developers to stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and to network with their peers. Bonus! We also got to share our favorite read!